I was reading a book about archeological work done
in New Netherland and it mentioned a related book. A young man, Daniel M.
Tredwell, who lived in New York, wrote this additional resource. The book,
“Personal Reminiscences of Men and Things on Long Island - Part One,” was
published in 1912. I planned to quickly read through the book and get to the
archeological parts, but once I started reading I could not stop. The
perspective and insights about life in the United States during the late 1800s
was riveting. Daniel's book was not written to impress anyone; it was simply a
journal about what he observed while growing up. He lived at a time before
kindling wood, anthracite coal, gas, friction matches, canned fruit, sewing
machines, typewriters, telegraphs, mail, railroads, policemen, cigarettes,
blotting paper, and steel pans. He said it was a time when “everybody was happy
and content.”
One thing that interested me was the value his
family placed on education. There were not a lot of literary resources where
Daniel lived, and he mentioned only three things he and his family read
regularly. First was the newspaper; his family received two different
subscriptions each week delivered by a stage driver. One was The Long Island
Telegraph and Friend of Education, and the other was The Long Island
Farmer, published in Jamaica. Daniel’s family looked forward to this
delivery since it was their “weekly supply of literature and information from
the outside world.”
A second piece of reading the Tredwell Family
enjoyed was the Farmer’s Almanac, which hung prominently in the chimney corner
of their living room. They consulted this piece of literature often to: verify
times of the rising and setting of the sun and moon, check tides, and predict
the seasons for the coming year. The last part of the almanac had a list of
chronological historic events beginning with the Garden of Eden and progressing
to the current date. Additionally, the almanac included medical advice and
recipes. The Tredwell family pursued scientific and historical occupations
later in life and I can’t help but think this book was a major influence in
those decisions.
The most interesting piece of literature the
Tredwell family read was a manuscript they referred to as the “Old Farm Diary”
- it came with the house they lived in. Daniel said it “had been about our
house from our earliest recollection.” It was made up of approximately sixty pages,
with the first and last pages missing. The faded, brown ink filled the pages
and many of the corners were worn off but Daniel noted the “penmanship was a
masterpiece of excellence.” The "Old Farm Diary" covered a period
from 1720 - 1744 and described matters related to the farm the Tredwells lived
on. The people that wrote the diary made trips to Sag Harbor and the Hamptons
on horseback. About these journeys, Daniel recorded, “The[se] trips constituted
a great travel in our mind at the time and we read them over and over with the
utmost delight.” The people who had previously lived in the home were the
Tredwell's ancestors and this manuscript was a few generations removed from
them. Daniel's father recognized the neighbors and slaves mentioned on its’
pages from stories his father shared with him. After reading through this
document for years, Daniel went back to look up some facts but it was gone. No
one remembered the day it disappeared it was simply not there.
One idea stayed with Daniel and his siblings from
reading the “Old Farm Diary.” Daniel claimed the old manuscript “made a lasting
impression on our mind and our first unfledged literary efforts were made in
imitation of it, and we made a resolution early in life to write a diary of the
events of our lives.” Daniel’s attempts to write a journal like the one he grew
up reading started out a bit patchy but his published journal ended up being
two volumes and recorded his life from 1838 to 1888 - nearly fifty years.
I have thought of so many questions
since contemplating Daniel’s small library. First, I am impressed with how what
we read is a real influence in our lives. I am also extremely intrigued about
the “Old Farm Diary.” How could it just not be there one day? What a treasure
to come with a house and was this a common practice? I know people kept records
in family bibles but I had never heard of a journal of a house being kept.
Reading from Daniel's journal about the way people thought, what the inventions
were, and how their views changed are fascinating.
So like Daniel, I hope you would take
a minute each day and write about the events and thoughts about your own life.
Describe your iPhone, your favorite app, how you get to work, what you think
about current events, and what interests you. When someone reads it 70 years
from now they will be amazed that you could even do anything with such basic
technology and find it unbelievable what you worried about in your daily life.
Just as I felt when I read Daniel’s words, your words will also be riveting, as
your readers discover what your life was like - they won’t be able to stop